Putting in an appearance

By midnightflit

July 13, 2010

Category: Uncategorized



Hello to anyone still checking out this page and sorry for my low profile.

I’ve been spending as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying the best of our best summer in at least a decade. Plus I’ve had the pleasure of visitors from overseas and I’ve been away with friends, learning how to sail a motor cruiser on the Norfolk Broads.

It was a wonderful trip, where I saw an otter at very close quarters, and lots of fantastic birds. including avocets, which was a lifetime first, as well as egrets and spoonbills.

Other than that I’m afraid I haven’t much else to say for myself.  There is such a clamour in the world at present, and I’m not sure me adding my tuppance worth is all that helpful,  so I think it’s probably just as well that I’m becoming a bit of a cyber ascetic!

But there is one piece of good news, qarrtsiluni’s wonderful economy edition, co-edit by Pam Hart and me, has now been published in hard copy. So if you are interested in the issue, or indeed if you contributed to it, you can get preview and/or order it here.

The wonderful photo in this post is book’s cover.

And despite the fact that I’ve been rather unproductive in the recent past another collaborative project, with fellow Calder Wood Press poet Anne Connolly,  is the fourth edition of Salt Publishing’s Horizon –  please see here .

I’m sure I’ll be back, when the days shorten and there is less to attract me outdoors. But right now I’m off to watch the explosion of butterflies that showed up in the garden this morning  – they are feeding on the flat, bright-yellow heads of some giant inulas.